Well I have been out in the desert I think. When you are out in the desert you even have a choice there. You can die of thirst or you can call on God for some living water, also a sand storm could wipe you out,cover you with dirt but God can reach you there and clean up all the dirt. He has done it for more times then I can remember. God is Awesome.
What God is to me: Almighty, Beautiful, Comforting, Divine, Everlasting, Faithful, Good, Holy, Intimate, Just, Kind, Love, Mighty, Noble, Omnipresent, Powerful, Quiet Time, Righteousness, Savior, Truth, Unity, Values, Wisdom, X ?, Yielding, Zealous.
Saying what He is to me daily reminds me that He is my all and all. The words that describe Him change because I feel different things and He is so much more then just 25 words.
I hope these words encourage you and you can make a list of why God is YOUR All and All.
God Bless Till the next time.